I hope you clapped four times after reading the title...I really do. If you didn't, then, like my audience last week when I read "We've Been Bamboozled", you're proof that we are too far removed from the Friends era. That makes me sad. Not for Joey's and Chandler's sake, but for The Rembrandts, whose 15 minutes has completely fizzled.
I wanted to use "the proof is in the pudding" at some point in the previous bit of randomness in order to cross another cliche off my Bucliche List, but it didn't seem to fit after I researched it. Turns out, the whole proverb is "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" and it dates back to at least the 18th century and possibly even as far back as the 14th century. You didn't really need to know any of that, but, HEY!, this is Random Tuesday. You get what I pay for...
Has anybody out there figured out the magic potion that kids drink on the weekends to wake them up at 5 a.m. happy and raring to tackle the day? I'd like to have it on hand during the week to keep from having to pry grumbling troll Mini-Me out of bed at 6:30 a.m. It's not Chocolate Milk and Red Bull, we tried that and ended up with one kid hanging from the ceiling fan and the other stuck in the cat's litter box...not really, but it made me laugh thinking about the possibilities.
Speaking of Mini-Me and sleeping, the kid still can't go to bed in the same room as his brother without creating a bed jumping, pillow throwing, Where the Wild Things Are rumpus that wakes up Mickey (TKNTD). Thus, he falls asleep in our room and we carry him to his bed once both boys are asleep. Since the kid runs hot, that process typically involves scooping up sweaty, drenched Mini-Me. Thank goodness he sleeps on his mom's side of the bed! I wouldn't want anything to tarnish my pristine, sweat/drool-free pillowcase!
The Wubster sang Jingle Bells to me at breakfast this morning. I thought he was ridiculing me for not having taken down the Christmas lights, yet, but we finally did that a week or so ago, so I think it's just the only song he has memorized.
On that musical note, we have a music-filled weekend coming up! Not only will I be singing the praises of Spring Break, we're taking the boys to see Dan Zanes on Saturday and then the boys will be singing with their preschool classes in church on Sunday morning. Mini-Me finally broke through his shyness when on stage earlier this year. It'll be interesting to see how The Wubster does in his first concert.
Now that Writers Week is over and I finally graded those papers I'd been sitting on for over a month, maybe I'll make time for writing more than randomness...maybe...
Check out The Un Mom's random Tuesday adventures and have your own awesomely random day as well!
I wish I could bottle the energy my kids have. I'd make millions. My seven year old insists he wants to sleep in on the weekends--but 7:00am does not make for sleeping in in my book.
ReplyDeleteHope your kids do well in the concert. I was graced with several rounds of row row your boat when Turbo learned to sing it. It was the only song he knew.
If we could bottle our kid's energy we'd be millionaires. LOL
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Tuesday!