Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here fishy fishes!

Papa, my paternal grandfather, loved taking us fishing. We'd go to Pinnacle Mountain State Park outside Little Rock, where they frequently camped with their Good Sams club, and he'd take me and my cousins down to the boat ramp, bait our hooks, and help us cast our kid-sized rods. My cousin Stuart, four years my elder, fished for the big prize, but I was always content to reel in the small sun fish who swam in the shallows and attacked the baited hook as soon as it hit the water.

Today Grandpa Mike, Grandma Barb and I will be baiting hooks for Mini-Me and The Wubster (and Rach) in the hopes that, like last year, the Bluegills will attack the bait as soon as they hit the water. Hopefully we'll catch lots of fish today, but even if we don't, we'll catch plenty of memories.*

*Hopefully they don't involve kids falling in the lake.

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