I don't recall details of every field trip I ever attended, but bits and pieces came flowing back as I thought about Mini-Me and The Wubster on their field trip to The Butterfly House today (yep, that Butterfly House)...
In sixth grade, we went to a local park for a teacher-planned educational experience and ended up with student-centered learning as the class gathered in the middle of the concrete tunnels of the playground to watch the most popular boy and most popular girl in the class make out. The teachers must have realized pretty quickly that something was up when they looked around and didn't see a single kid on the playground anymore because we had to scatter after only one spit swap. I was at the back of the tunnel, though, so I didn't get to see much more than the butts of the classmates in front of me.
Then there was a much less eventful seventh-grade trip to a local state park where we got to hike through the forest and learn that the guide wasn't allergic to poison ivy as he rubbed his hands all over the stuff (lucky bastard...or stupid? I never saw him again, he may have spent the next few weeks with a horrible case of the "Damn! I thought I wasn't allergic!"s). We also splashed around in a fresh water stream exploring for rocks and minerals, and learned about various wildlife and insects (this is where I developed an appreciation for water striders).
I also remember one of the best bus rides ever on a field trip. Sitting with friends in the last few seats of the bus minding everyone elses business, we hit a bump in the road and were catapulted skyward until the ceiling of the bus abruptly greeted our heads. Despite what could have been minor concussions, we begged the driver to turn around and hit the bump again. It was better than Six Flags...and the line was shorter.
In high school I went on a field trip to an awards ceremony at South Fork. Alas, this will mean nothing to my kids.
There were plenty of other trips--band festivals, planetariums, Shakespearean plays, science centers, caves--but today's field trip might be my favorite...and I didn't even take off work.
It was my favorite because, on the way home, Rach and the boys brought me lunch at school. We sat in my classroom and ate while talking about their adventures with the butterflies and the super-awesome playground nearby, the boys drew pictures on the Promethean Board, we walked around and let the boys fill the hallways with their adorability (it's the only thing that overpowers the stench of teen spirit), and, then, Mini-Me decided to spend the rest of the afternoon with me instead of going home. We colored pictures, walked the hallways a little more, he chatted bravely and answered my coworkers' assorted questions, and watched the buses fill the parking lot.
On the way home (and several times throughout the evening), Mini-Me told me, "Daddy, I had a good day today. I loved going to your school. I've never been during the day before. Can I go again next time after the Butterfly House!?!"
Of course you can, buddy...of course you can.
This makes me smile. Big.