Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Want to Ride My Bicycle...I Want to Ride My Bike!!!

Stacy Uncorked is leading the charge in a Random Tuesday Rebellion. Visit her if you'd like to join in the fun! Onward and Randomward!

What just happened?

I blinked and we're five days into April! I totally had plans for a month-long personal blogging challenge in April...eh, maybe I'll just save that for May...or next April.

We bought Mini-Me his first big boy bike over the weekend as an early birthday present. Now that the weather's nice, we wanted him to get as much time with it as possible. He's been riding a balance bike for the past couple years and he's gotten pretty good at cruising, but he's grown so much the past few months he looks uncomfortably big for it. Now he's tearing up the sidewalks on an 18" green and silver beaut! Having ridden the balance bike for so long, I'm interested to see how quickly he gets the hang of the bigger bike and how soon the training wheels can come off. No rush, though, buddy...no rush.

When we brought the bike out of the van, The Wubster immediately started to drool. "My bike! My bike!" I explained to him that I was going to adjust the balance bike for him, but the poor kid's still just a tad too small to reach the ground easily even with the seat as low as it'll go, so he gravitated back to the new bike. That led to more chanting, "I like. My bike! 'is my bike!"

Luckily, Mini-Me stepped in and helped me out...
"No, Wubster, this is my new bike, but you can have my old bike. I left a lot of love on it for you. You'll love the bike, too. I left love on the seat for you, too. Yeah. That's where I left my butt love."
Your butt love!?!
"Yeah, daddy. Butt love." *insert sly, goofy grin*
As much as it made me giggle, the message got through to The Wubster:
"Tanks, Mini-Me...is my bike now"
If that balance bike holds up through both boys, imagine how much butt love will be on it for Mickey (TKNTD)!!

1 comment:

  1. I was just contemplating spray painting all the Barbie/Dora/Pink Kitty bikes from the girls so that our one son can use them when he's ready. But now I'll be careful not to paint over the butt love.
