Tuesday, March 22, 2011

RTT: A spider, Daddy!!! A SPIDER!!!


The Wubster has become fascinated (troubled?) by bugs the past couple days after Mini-Me pointed out a number of spiders while we were playing outside over the weekend. It took an extra twenty minutes to get from the preschool doors to the van this afternoon because we had to investigate every speck on the sidewalk...

Daddy!!! Spider!!!
No, monkey...that's just a clump of mud.
'ook, daddy!!! Spider!!!
Nope...bird poop.
No, daddy...you're a poopy head.
Nice. Thanks for noticing.
'ook, daddy!!! Spider!!!
N...yep. That's a spider. Now let's get in the van before it eats us.
Eats us?!? *screams & runs to van*
(What? Wrong approach?)

Next time Mini-Me acts up I'm threatening to send him to boarding school here...of course that might be punishment for me more than him.

My dad forwarded an email today that introduced me to Terry Border's Bent Objects work...phenomenal stuff. I highly recommend you check out his blog or treat yourself to a new book. Here's a sample...

We Were Made for Each Other -- Terry Border
 ...but, seriously...assuming I'm not the last person to discover Mr. Border...we're done here, so go check out his blog.

And don't forget to visit The Un Mom to start, in the immortal words of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, gettin' random with it...na na na na na na na nana na na na na nana.


  1. My mom introduced me to Bent Objects. I thought they were awesome!!!

    Happy RTT!

  2. I've seen those bend objects on Stumbleupon. They are great.

  3. That whole spider exchange had me giggling... ;)

    Those Bent Objects are way too cool! :)

    Wii Bowling and Champagne Making - RTT

  4. Got to drug the kids long enough to check out that art.

    Happy RTT!

  5. LOL @ the Spider conversation. :)

    Happy Tuesday!

  6. I love Bent Objects. That guy's brilliant.

  7. Doesn't get better. My boy is 9 and he still calls me a poopy head. Rotten kids. I love them.
