Friday, January 14, 2011

Lurkey For Me...Lurkey For You...How To Get Lurkers to Comment, Too?

Apparently today's a national holiday and, yet, here I am, slaving away at work.

What's that?

Oh, yeah, I guess updating my blog doesn't count as slaving away.

Well, anywho, it seems today is Delurking Day throughout the blogosphere--the one day of the year when bloggers beg, plead, coerce, and flash...some sad puppy dog eyes (trust me...I'm looking adorably sad right now...emphasis on the sad) to convince readers to leave a comment.

If you don't comment, Mini-Me, The Wubster, and Mickey (TKNTD) will don't want them to cry, do you?!?

So, comment away! Let me know you're out there!


  1. We don't want any of the Noisy Little Adventures cast to be I'm letting you know that I'm reading your blog. I'm amazed you have the time and energy to update your blog after working all day and keeping up with the Mini-Me, The Wubster and Mickey (tkntd)! All my love to the entire cast and crew of Noisy Little Adventures!! Love Grammie

  2. I am here. Sadly my work didn't give me the day off. Would have been nice to have a 4 day weekend.

  3. For me, reading blogs is sort of like being in class...I read, but I don't comment much.

    In the case of this blog, I read, I laugh at the funny stuff, and I still don't comment much.

  4. i'm a loyal reader :).. i find you hilarious 2/3 of the time.. kidding kidding.. thanks for the entertainment and keep it up :)
