Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holy Crazy Neighbors, Batman!

I wonder what the neighbors think of us...mainly because I know what we think of the neighbors.

I'm not talking about our awesome neighbors next door or directly across the street, though...and not even the folks with a baker's dozen of concrete raccoons in the yard. It's more the neighbors who pass by on their way to and from work, the store, or their super-secret spy gigs. They only see us in micro-snap shots. What do they think when they see:
  • Mini-Me in full Batman regalia speeding down the sidewalk in his peddle car/Batmobile?
  • The Wubster driving two Little Tykes cars coupled with a bike lock and pushing a Bubble mower at the same time?
  • SheWhoseNameHasBeenDecidedButIDontWantToGiveUpThisStyleOfNameJustYet in a Baby Bjorn strapped to Meli (our Golden Retriever) during a game of fetch?
  • Me trying to explain to two police officers and a DFS social worker that I was just trying to be funny in cyberspace and I would never attach my daughter to Meli...Gracie, maybe, but not Meli?
Could their imaginations possibly do justice to our Noisy Little Adventures?
Who knows...I'd just like 'em to slow down.

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