Thursday, December 30, 2010

Von Trapped in Paradise

I've heard rumors that the hills are alive with the sound of music, but I've pressed my ear to many a hill and it's not a beat I can dance to.

Now if you want something that's alive with the sound of music...visit a house with kids.

The 'music' at our house revs up anywhere between 5:00 and 5:15 AM as Mickey (TKNTD) wakes up crying for food, and the boys, typically with The Wubster in the lead, crawl into our bed to maul us into wakefulness. It never ends, but it does pause for extended periods of time starting around 8:00 PM. In between those hours, the house resonates with the melodic emanations of our children. These include, but are not limited to, harmonicas, guitars, drums, recorders, keyboards, giggles, chuckles, guffaws, snorts, squeals, screams, squawks, yelps, help!s, barks, meows, whines, thhbbbbtttss, but!s, and what?s.

So, if musical hills are your thing, dance with those mounds of rock.

Me? I'll keep spinning in circles to the boys singing 'ingle Bells at 115 dB while the keyboard's on Demo cranked to 11 and the dogs bark to join the fun...because I got earplugs from Santa!

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